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A10 CDU Emulator System v1.0.0a

This project is a spin-off from the Airbus MCDU Emulator Project. It is based on the same technology, but with more advanced techniques and features. These upgrades are planned to be implemented into the next version of the MCDU emulator.

This A10 project is significantly less complete, and most importantly it does not yet contain any lesson content.

To get started, click the "AAP" tab under the CDU and set the switches for CDU and EGI to "ON". Then click the CDU tab at the bottom to go back to the CDU view.

CDU start up screen should be displayed. You can click on the SYS, NAV, or WP buttons to see more options.

If you set the PAGE switch on the AAP panel to POSITION, the CDU will show position info instead of the normal pages of information. Switch it back to OTHER for normal operation.

Proper lessons are coming soon. If you would like to buy a hardware version of the A10 CDU which will be compatible with X-Plane, DCS, or Prepar3D, please contact mcdu at equicom dot net and be sure to put A10 hardware in the subject line.

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